Drupal Cache Form

  1. Drupal Cache Form Too Big
  2. Drupal Cache
  3. Drupal Safe Cache Form Clear
  4. Drupal Cache Form Template

I don't understand that notation and still don't know how you are doing it:) but yes, can be a link or form action='clear.php' if you are doing it with a non-drupal form. Maybe after flushing caches, you can redirect the user with drupalgoto – corbacho Mar 8 '11 at 9:32. Drupal uses the database to store cache. If any content is modified then Drupal detects this change and expires the cache hence maintaining content consistency. Memcached/redis replaces Drupal's internal caching system. You can also use Varnish as Front end cache instead of a CDN to significantly improve performance. Use Best Practices for. Knowing how to clear Drupal's cache is an important skill for any developer. You'll likely find yourself doing it frequently in order to get Drupal to register the changes you make to your code, or other updates you make via the UI. It is also a good first step to trouble shooting problems with your Drupal site: Clear the cache before you do any other debugging to ensure it's not just a bad. Do not make entries in 'cacheform' when viewing forms that use #ajax 'callback' (Drupal 7 port) This is a huge win, if you can pull it off. For transient form processing like login and checkout, disabling form cache is a huge relief to the DB. You might need to put the entire cart checkout onto a single page. One popular PHP code cache is the PHP OpCode extension. Drupal recommends you to enable the PHP OpCode extension for faster code execution. However, it can be sometimes confusing when you want.

Are content changes taking too long to show up?

Drupal cache versus Varnish cache

Our Drupal systems have two layers of caching to speed up the loading of site pages. Drupal uses its internal page caching so that it does not need to access its database for every single page request. Our web servers have a second layer of caching called Varnish. When a site visitor loads the Varnish-cached version of a page, Drupal does not have to do anything to render the page, so the page loads noticeably faster.

Drupal does not cache pages for logged-in users. That is why a site editor may see the newer version of the page, but someone who is visiting the site as an anonymous user may still see the older version of the page.

These caching layers are independent of your web browser's internal cache. Reloading a page while holding down the shift key can refresh a browser-cached page, but it won't affect the Drupal cache or the Varnish cache.

Newer versions of Drupal are can automatically clear both caching layers whenever content is changed, but for Drupal 7, some manual intervention may be required.

Drupal Cache Form Too Big

Clearing Drupal cache

Drupal Cache

Those with the site administrator role can clear the Drupal page cache by going to ManageConfiguration from the admin toolbar and navigating to the DevelopmentPerformance page. Click the 'Clear all caches' button to clear Drupal's caching layer. This may take a few seconds, and a green “Caches cleared.” message will display.

Drupal cache tags

Clearing Varnish cache

If you are logged in with the site administrator or content manager role, you can clear the Varnish cache on a page-by-page basis, via the Refresh this page button on the top right-hand corner of each page.

Note that if you have a webform that is protected by a CAPTCHA, the webform cannot be cached by Varnish, so the webform page will not have the Refresh this page button.

Cached CSS Injector files

Changes to Cascading Style Sheet rules in CSS Injector are stored separately in Drupal's file system, so the Refresh this page button will not have any affect. However, the “Clear all caches” button should allow you to see your CSS changes, provided that there are no errors in any of your CSS Injector rules.

For faster page loads, we have configured Drupal to combine the CSS files together into fewer files with randomly generated file names. Clearing the page cache generates new aggregated files with new file names.

An interface for condition plugins.

Condition plugins are context-aware and configurable. They support the following keys in their plugin definitions:

  • context: An array of context definitions, keyed by context name. Each context definition is a typed data definition describing the context. Check the typed data definition docs for details.
  • configuration: An array of configuration option definitions, keyed by option name. Each option definition is a typed data definition describing the configuration option. Check the typed data definition docs for details.

@todo Replace the dependency on DrupalCoreFormFormInterface with a new interface from https://www.drupal.org/node/2006248. @todo WARNING: The condition API is going to receive some additions before release. The following additions are likely to happen:

  • The way configuration is handled and configuration forms are built is likely to change in order for the plugin to be of use for Rules.
  • Conditions will receive a data processing API that allows for token replacements to happen outside of the plugin implementations, see https://www.drupal.org/node/2347023.
  • Conditions will have to implement access control for checking who is allowed to configure or perform the action at https://www.drupal.org/node/2172017.


  • interface DrupalCoreExecutableExecutableInterface; interface DrupalCorePluginPluginFormInterface; interface DrupalComponentPluginConfigurablePluginInterface; interface DrupalComponentPluginPluginInspectionInterface; interface DrupalCoreCacheCacheableDependencyInterface
    • interface DrupalCoreConditionConditionInterface

See also


Related topics


Drupal Safe Cache Form Clear

Name Modifiers Type Description
CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheContexts public function The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheContexts
CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheMaxAge public function The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheMaxAge
CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheTags public function The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyInterface::getCacheTags
ConditionInterface::evaluate public function Evaluates the condition and returns TRUE or FALSE accordingly.
ConditionInterface::isNegated public function Determines whether condition result will be negated.
ConditionInterface::setExecutableManager public function Sets the executable manager class.
ConditionInterface::summary public function Provides a human readable summary of the condition's configuration.
ConfigurablePluginInterface::defaultConfiguration public function Gets default configuration for this plugin.
ConfigurablePluginInterface::getConfiguration public function Gets this plugin's configuration.
ConfigurablePluginInterface::setConfiguration public function Sets the configuration for this plugin instance.
DependentPluginInterface::calculateDependencies public function Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin.
ExecutableInterface::execute public function Executes the plugin.
PluginFormInterface::buildConfigurationForm public function Form constructor.
PluginFormInterface::submitConfigurationForm public function Form submission handler.
PluginFormInterface::validateConfigurationForm public function Form validation handler.
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation.
PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance.

Drupal Cache Form Template

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