7th Grade    Math and Science

Seventh grade, equivalent to Year 8 in England and Wales, and S1 in Scotland, is a year or level of education in many nations around the world. The seventh grade is the eighth school year and comes after 6th grade or elementary school. Students are around 12-13 years old in this stage.

  1. 7th Grade Style
  2. 7th Grade By Gary Soto
  3. 7th Grade Spelling Words
  4. 7th Grade Books
  5. 7th Grade Math Worksheets

Around the world[edit]

Jimmy and his friends are trying to have a sleepover but his stupid sister keeps interrupting. 7th grade problems. Instagram http://bit.ly/Jimpr. Aug 31, 2020 wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 16 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.


In some states of Australia including Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania, Year 7 is the first year of secondary school, but in others it is the last year of primary school. It is actually the eighth year of schooling (Prep/Foundation, 1 to 6, then Year 7). In Australia, Year 7 students are aged 12–13 years old.


In Belgium the 7th grade is the first year of high school. When reaching the age of 12 or 13, the children go from primary school (“basisschool”) to high school (“middelbare school”).

The 7th grade is a warming up for the rest of the high school period. It is also used to reference students their capability, to make sure they belong in the right level of education. Students here learn the languages Dutch, French and English (this is their first year learning English) in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders), and learn French or German and can choose between Dutch, English, German or French in the southern and German part of Belgium, just as their own language (Dutch, French or German) skills. Other classes in the 7th grade are: Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Art & Music, Geography, Physics, Physical education (gym), Social studies, Religion (depends on the school itself) and Computer science (Computer science in 7th grade means learning to work with computers properly, though most of the student already have a good understanding of how to use computers).

Belgium uses a system, where specific education is accommodated in the high school period, which also is chosen by the student (TSO [nl], BSO [nl], KSO [nl]) before they choose to go to work or continuing at a university.


In Brazil, the time for elementary school was recently raised from 8 to 9 years, and the minimum age required to enter the seventh grade was not changed. The students are usually between 11 and 13. In the seventh grade, all students must be 12 years old before March 31st or May 31st depending on school.


In Bulgaria, it would correspond to седми клас or 7-ми клас. Students are usually 13 years old.


Grade 7 in Canada is the first year of junior high school, middle school, or the second last grade of junior/elementary school. Intermediate schools (grades 6, 7 and 8) provide education in Literature and Mathematics, as well as History, Geography, Music, Drama, Dance, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics in particular), Art, French (English if in French Immersion), and Physical Education (phys ed. or gym). French and ‘foreign’ languages, which used to be taught only at high schools, are now introduced during the last 2 years of elementary school and all years of middle school.


In Egypt, this is the first year of the Middle School. Usually students who're in 7th grade are 11, 12, 13 years old.


In Sweden and Finland, this is the seventh year of compulsory school and either the second or first year of 'junior high', depending on the size of the schools in the district.


7th Grade Style

In France, seventh grade is called 5ème (5 years before Terminale, where most students take the Baccalauréat). 5ème is the second year of French secondary school, which is called collège.


In Greece, seventh grade is called first year of gymnasium school or middle school, or lower secondary school (Proti Gymnasiou - Πρώτη Γυμνασίου)

Hong Kong[edit]

In Hong Kong, pupils aged 12 to 13 are in Secondary 1 or Form 1, the first year of secondary education.


In India grade seven is called Class 7 and forms middle school. Class 7 forms the second year in middle school. Pupils aged 11 to 12 attend class 7.


In Iran, Grade 7 is the first year of Highschool A. There are 2 stages of Highschool in Iran: A and B. A ranges from grade 7 to 9 and B ranges from 9 to 12.Most of Iranian 7 graders are 13 years old.


The Irish equivalent to seventh grade is First Year, which is the first year of secondary education. Students are usually 12-13 years old. This is usually the time when students begin having different teachers for different subjects, and move classrooms after each period.


In Israel, in most formal places, the seventh grade is the first year of middle school.


In Malaysia, the seventh grade can be referred as Form 1. It is the beginning of student's secondary school after completing primary school at the age of 12.


In the Netherlands the 7th grade is the first class of high school, also named 'brugklas' (bridge class). When reaching the age of 12 or 13, the children go from primary school (“basisschool”) to high school (“middelbare school”).

7th grade is a testing ground for the rest of the high school period, as their performance in 7th grade determines their classification for the rest of high school. Besides Dutch language, students will learn foreign languages like German, French and English. Higher levels of 7th grade curriculum include Latin, Greek, Chinese and/or Spanish.

Other classes in the 7th grade are: Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Art, Music, Geography, History, Physics, Physical education (“gym”), Social studies, Religion (depends on the school itself) and Computer science.

After 4, 5 or 6 years (depending on the level of education) one can get his diploma, which grants access to specific education, like the university or HBO and MBO education. These are educations that focuses on specific talents, chosen by the student to prepare them for a job environment.

New Zealand[edit]

In New Zealand, Year 8 (formerly Form 2) is the equivalent of seventh grade, with students aged 12 or 13 during the year. It is the final year at intermediate school.


In Norway, students enter the seventh grade the year they turn twelve years old. This is the final year of Barneskole (literally Kids School), equivalent to Elementary School.


In Pakistan grade seven is called Class Seven and forms middle school. They are usually 13 years old.


In the Philippines, Grade 7 is the first year of Junior High School. Topics mainly discussed are the following subjects like, for the major subjects are Elementary-based Algebra (Math in Grade 7), Integrated Science (Science in Grade 7), Filipino subject with Ibong Adarna, English and Asian Studies (Political Studies in Grade 7). Values Education, World Literature, MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health), Computer and TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) are some of the minor subjects. Students are usually 12–13 years old.


In Romania, seventh grade is called Seventh Class, being the third year of secondary education, when students start preparing for the national exam, which takes place at the end of 8th grade as a form of high school admission test.


In Russia, students in seventh grade are usually 12–14 years old. It is third grade of the middle school. Children study such subjects as: Algebra, Geometry, Russian language, foreign language (often English), Physics, Biology, History, Social studies, Geography, Arts, Literature, Music, Physical Education, Information Technologies, labour training (wood processing, sewing, cooking), in some regions native languages.

Saudi Arabia[edit]

In Saudi Arabia, seventh grade is the first year of Middle School.


In Singapore, seventh grade is called Secondary One, and it is the start of one's secondary education after one completes primary education. Pupils are typically at the age of 13 in seventh grade.

South Africa[edit]

In South Africa, Grade 7 is the final year of primary school and is also the final year before High School as there is no such thing as Middle School in South Africa. Pupils (called Learners by the Department of Education) are usually between the ages of 11,12 and 13.


In Sweden and Finland, this is the seventh year of compulsory school and either the second or first year of 'junior high', depending on the size of the schools in the district.


In Taiwan, seventh grade refers to two things: students in the first year of junior-high but also to people born between the years 70-79 (the seventh decade) of the Minguo calendar, which equates to between 1981 and 1990.

United Kingdom[edit]

In England and Wales, pupils aged between 12 and 13 are in Year 8 which is the second year of Secondary School. The Scottish equivalent is Secondary 2 or S2 - the second year of Secondary education. The Northern Irish equivalent is Year 9 or Second Form, the second year of secondary education.It is rare for pupils younger than 12-13 to enter Year 8.

United States[edit]

In the United States, in math, students begin to go more into pre-algebra or the beginnings of algebra including ratio, proportion, and percent. New topics sometimes include scientific notation, concepts with negative numbers, and more advanced geometry.[1]

In social studies, advanced pre-Civil WarHistory is taught. Though American history is usually the norm, other cultures and time periods may be taught. In some states, such as Texas and South Carolina, state history is usually taught instead.[2]

In science, it is usually moderate-level biology.In some parts of the United States for each of their subjects, and so they change classrooms at the end of each period. Foreign language is often introduced at this level. The students can typically choose from several languages depending on school ability.

In the United States 41 states have implemented Common Core standards for 7th grade curriculum. Key English and Language Arts Standards for 7th grade include:[3]

  • Ability to cite textual evidence to support analysis and inferences drawn from the text
  • Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters in a text
  • Compare and contrast a written work to its audio, staged, or multimedia counterpart, including analysis of the effects of techniques unique to each medium

See also[edit]


  1. ^'7th Grade Math Worksheets – Topics To Study'. 7th Grade Math. Retrieved 3 March 2013.
  2. ^'SEVENTH GRADE AFRICA, ASIA, AND AUSTRALIA'. Standard Course of Study. Public Schools of North Carolina. Retrieved 3 March 2013.
  3. ^'English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 7 | Common Core State Standards Initiative'. www.corestandards.org. Retrieved 2019-07-19.

External links[edit]

Preceded by
Sixth grade
Seventh grade
age 12-13
Succeeded by
Eighth grade

7th Grade By Gary Soto

Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Seventh_grade&oldid=998978957'

It’s a commonly held truth that no three years are as miserable in an American child’s life as middle school. But those three years, so awkwardly sandwiched between elementary and high school, are not created equal. The top contender as middle school’s worst year, in all of its cringe-worthy, hormone-infused, brain-addled confusion is seventh grade, a tween’s annus horribilus.

Having survived the sixth grade gauntlet of adjusting to a new school and several teachers rather than just one, seventh graders awaken to find themselves in an even more disquieting new reality in which inexplicably, their parents suddenly are intolerable, their teachers hard-hearted brutes, and the only ones who understand them are their BFFs, who may turn on them at any moment. In fact, as any 12-year-old Hunger Games devotee will insist, pretty much everyone may be out to get them.

“It was like I was a hunted animal,” recalls one mother of her seventh grade experience. Never bullied before or after, she recalls that the year unfolded like a horror movie replete with furtive trips down empty hallways, being chased by rabid gangs of girls, and echoing nightmares. So great was her trauma from seventh grade that she chose a tiny middle school for her older daughter where there were too few students for tween peer culture to ever properly take hold.


Is it really that bad?

Surely, this is an exaggeration, a pop culture cliché about what the middle of middle school is like? In fact, attests tween expert Annie Fox, author of Teaching Kids to be Good People, “Seventh grade really does suck.” Fox, who has been answering thousands of tween and teen emails since 1997, is intimately familiar with the reality of what it is to be a 12- or 13-year-old seventh grader. “It’s not necessarily new that it sucks,” Fox points out. While one percent of the population swears they loved junior high or middle school, Fox says that for the remaining 99 percent, seventh grade is often the year kids feel like the rug is pulled out from under them.

“Seventh grade really is the worst year ever,” agrees Jennifer Powell-Lunder, a psychologist at Pace University who specializes in tween development. Once self-assured, happy kids become encumbered by new feelings of embarrassment, isolation, depression, and, for girls in particular, a loss of self-esteem. The reason, says Powell-Lunder, is a simultaneous onslaught of intense social and academic pressure.


Seventh graders also undergo intense cognitive, physical, and emotional changes that unearth uncomfortable contradictions. They aren’t little kids anymore, but they aren’t big kids yet, either. “Seventh graders experience middle-child syndrome,” explains Powell-Lunder, “You’re not special anymore. You aren’t so cute anymore. You’re no longer sixth graders who get a healthy dose of coddling so they can adjust to middle school. You’re not the glorified eighth graders who are focusing on getting ready for high school.”

On the home front, seventh graders often push their parents away, while desperately needing emotional support and clear boundaries. Parents must navigate contradictory impulses that make seventh graders downright perplexing. Both self-doubt and self-aggrandizement often simmer just beneath the surface, as kids try to figure out who they are and what they believe. The biggest agent of change? Puberty, which accelerates for many (but not all) kids during seventh grade.

Puberty: the great inequalizer

Powell-Lunder explains that a seventh grader’s social success often depends on physical maturation, which is tough when some kids look like they’re 10 and others 16. It’s unfortunate timing to suffer the indignities of acne, hair sprouting in new places, and awkward growth spurts just when you’ve never felt more self-conscious in your life.

“There’s no other time in a child’s development, aside from ages 0 to 2, that kids go through so many developmental changes,” says Powell-Lunder. As with ages 0 to 2, when kids walk and talk at different times, at the height of adolescence, development is uneven. “You might have one kid who is socially savvy and looking at the opposite sex, and for another kid, that’s the last thing on their mind.”

Kids who haven’t started puberty yet may feel left in the dust. Boys who lack physical prowess often land at the bottom of the food chain. For girls, puberty can be the great inequalizer. “Different levels of sophistication seem to show up in seventh grade, far more than sixth grade,” says Fox. “In seventh grade, some girls may have gotten their periods and started developing. What you wear becomes a sign of how cool you are, and it can be very form-fitting. The girls really don’t understand the message in dressing this way. These seventh grade girls push the limits in sophistication and sexiness.”

The terrible twelves

In this sea of change, peer relationships become vastly more important and complex. Peers, not parents, rule their world, which puts them at the mercy of the mercurial, at times malicious, whims of classmates. More than other middle school years, says Fox, “there’s more competition for social status in seventh grade,” which is a veritable Versailles, with the kid courtiers constantly sizing each other up for the proper way to dress, speak, and act. Throw social media into the mix, says Fox, and kids never get a break — they live in the unrelenting social spotlight 24/7.


“I refer to seventh grade as the tween mean year,” says Powell-Lunder. In seventh grade, queen bees get their ruthless groove going, says Powell-Lunder, and top-of-the-heap boys perfect their craft of sending socially awkward boys who aren’t into sports or who don’t present a conventional version of masculinity to the bottom of the social caste.

For girls, close friendships from early childhood often fall apart. Fox says this “girl friendship drama” is a way of “trying on what it’s like to be older and more sophisticated and cooler. ‘I can’t be friends with you anymore.’ There’s a level of cruelty and a lot of backstabbing. With girls, they do it with a smile on their face: ‘No, I never said that.’”

“Then because you’re so unsure of how acceptable you are, you start posing,” says Fox. “And you don’t stick around with your old friends because they know you’re posing. So you hang out with new people. And then you’re encouraged to be fake. Plus, Mom and Dad know the fakery, so for the kid, they think, ‘I also have to keep you at arm’s length.’”

7th Grade Spelling Words


At the same time that seventh graders are trying to figure out who they are and how to fit in, their schoolwork starts to look less like elementary work and more closely resemble a high school curriculum. The expectation on the part of many parents and teachers, says Powell-Lunder, is that seventh graders should have their more difficult academic challenges pretty much nailed. “There’s more tolerance for sixth graders messing up,” says Powell-Lunder, but by seventh grade, “you’re supposed to have it all figured out.”

“In seventh grade especially, we expect kids to have a high level of organization and attention to detail,” says Powell-Lunder. “The life raft is gone and they’re on their own. So if a kid is neat and organized, she will do well.” But if a child doesn’t have that skill set – like the kid who can’t figure out which books to take to their locker – they’re in a tough spot.

This is precisely what happened to Todd David’s son Noah. “Seventh grade was so bizarre, just the worst year,” said David, noting that up until that year, his son had been a responsible, highly academic kid. “Suddenly in seventh grade, it seemed like the synapses didn’t seem to be firing correctly. He was in a fog and completely oblivious to the world around him. His mom and I would ask, over and over. ‘Did you remember to bring your lunch?’” Sure enough, says David, time and again, Noah forgot his lunch.

More troubling was how dramatically his son’s school work went off the rails. “The communication between what we would hear from Noah about what was going on in class was 100 percent different than what we’d hear from the teachers.” When his son’s grades dipped far below par, David and his wife contacted Noah’s teachers. “They’d say, ‘Oh, Noah hasn’t done his work.’ So we’d ask Noah why he didn’t and he’d say, ‘I didn’t know I was supposed to do that.’” Despite seventh grade being the Bermuda triangle of school years, David was relieved that by the second semester of eighth grade, the pod person that temporarily inhabited his son’s body had disappeared and his great kid was back — more mature and tuned in to school and life.

According to Fox, this rocky developmental phase often correlates with academic struggles. By the time kids come back from summer vacation after sixth grade, the academic pressure changes a lot of kids’ daily lives. “There’s lots of homework in lots of subject areas. You even find lots of seventh graders who are sleep-deprived because they just don’t know how to juggle it all.” In turn, says Fox, because the adults in seventh graders’ lives get anxious that they aren’t up to speed, “You start to see more parent and teacher conflicts with kids in ways you may not have had before.”

7th Grade Books

The best medicine for growing pains

So what’s a parent to do staring at their seventh grader in the throes of what they may look back on as one of the toughest years of their childhood?

  1. Patience and empathy.

    Seventh grade reality is tough enough, says Fox, so parents should avoid piling on. Set firm boundaries and expectations, but try your best not to be on them all the time, whether it’s to clean up their room or finish their homework or “look me in the eye when I’m talking to you, young lady.” Fox summarizes your mission this way: listen more than lecture, especially since the lecture will rarely bring about the change you want.

  2. Be their personal fan club.

    When our kids are little, says Fox, it’s easier for us to notice when they do something right. But parents of 12- and 13-year-olds often spend the majority of their interactions faultfinding. Fox says this “fear that they’re growing up and we don’t have many years to steer them in the right direction” is normal for parents, but counterproductive for your child. Fox explains that tweens are desperate for you to see beyond their snarky attitude. They need to know you see the good in them, so catch them in the act of doing something right and let them know you appreciate it.

  3. Support their passion project.

    Though your child’s experience at school may be going to hell in a hand basket, this is also a year of incredible potential. Passions discovered at this age often lead to a lifetime of learning, growth, and career pursuits. Help your child have mind-blowing, positive experiences outside of school by connecting them to whatever their interests are. It could be a sport, a hobby, a favorite book series, or even perfecting the perfect brownie recipe.

Finally, Fox encourages parents to take the long view. Seventh grade may be a trial for your child (and for you), but soon enough, your pre-adolescent child will be entering eighth grade, planning for high school, and looking back on their early years of middle school as oh-so-behind-them. While a tough truth for any loving parent to accept, it’s worth remembering that seventh grade is also a rite of passage. Most kids learn a lot from this year (even if they don’t master equations). Thrown into the academic and social tumbler of seventh grade, kids emerge despite and because of those growing pains with a much clearer sense of who they are.

7th Grade Math Worksheets

Updated: December 6, 2019