This course content is offered under a Public Domain license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted. View Course Stream Coming Up View Calendar Nothing for the next week. Parker's Second Grade Class. THis is a page to help keep my students' parents up to date on activities in our class. 12:28-1:13 Parker- 45min SOCIAL STUDIES 1:15-1:55 Specials (Group B & Group C) 1:57-2:15 iii & Pack-up for dismissal (Homeroom) Specials Rotation Group B- Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Chess Art Spanish P.E. Music Media Group C. E-Learning Day 4 (4/6/2020) Novel Critique Day-In class discussion of class novel Holes E-Learning Day 5 -8 (4/7/20) Step 3: Read “The Wounded Wolf” a. Listen to the audio while reading. Please complete the Read and Stop. Practice 'The Wounded Wolf' Vocabulary E-Learning Day 4/14/20-4/20/20 The All-American Slurp a.
Dorling Kindersley, 2018. ISBN 9780241296967
(Ages: 8-80) Recommended. Themes: Records. Animal records. Human achievement. Dorling Kindersley's Record breakers focuses on our Planet Earth, amazing human achievements in people power, the prowess of athletes, engineering feats, animal records, and space data. Beautifully presented with amazing photographs, diagrams, charts, clear captions, easy to read labels, this is an entertaining book just right to share with the whole family.
Investigate where the world's population lives, the spikes rising out of the map show the number of people living in each continent, Greenland has the lowest density. Interested in gems, the most precious, valuable and rare ones are displayed, the pink star diamond weighing 59.6 carats sold in 2017 for $71.2 million!
Human achievements include climbers who scaled Mt Everest, the deepest free divers and the amazing survivors who showed stamina and strength enduring extreme conditions. Female football stars include USA's Abby Wambach who scored 184 goals in 256 matches from 2001 to 2015. Imagine jumping further than two Volkswagen Beetles: Mike Powell jumped 8.95m at the 1991 Tokyo World Championships.
Giant cruise ships, the largest airship to the world's largest self-powered vehicle, NASA's Crawler Transporter, world breaking records and giant machinery are included in Feats of Engineering.
Of course, records in the Animal World are both exciting and hard to comprehend, the Giant Anteater's tongue stretches 61cm while the Colossal Squid's eye is 28cm in diameter. Animal migration, amazing mini-beasts and super-sized snakes will delight the animal lover.
Record breakers is an engaging, educational encyclopaedia of facts, there's something there for everyone to enjoy, to marvel over and discuss.
Rhyllis Bignell
Breakers Bridgemrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classes
RL 6.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used n a text—Figurative, connotative, tone) RL 6.5: Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, plot.